I wished I would have started this blog when I first started my student teaching, but I guess it's never too late! I have been doing my student teaching at Puckett Elementary in Amarillo, Texas since the middle of January. I am teaching first grade and the students are absolutely wonderful! I have been learning so much from my cooperating teacher. She is a master teacher and I am so very thankful to be learning from the best! My student teaching experience has been wonderful and I could not have picked a better career. It truly is the most regarding job! We have learned so much in the past few weeks and I have only about 5 weeks left so I will share all I can!
First, I would like to share our schedule, behavior chart, and classroom rules!
The first week and part of the second week I spent most of my time observing and and learning the routines, schedule, and the names of the students. At first it was a bit overwhelming because it seemed like so much in just one day because they are learning and working so hard, but after I learned the routines and schedule I felt a lot more relaxed. I also tried to help out as much as i could, such as, collecting homework, grading, making copies, and anything I could do to keep the class organized. One of the most important things as a teacher is to be as organized as possible. In a
classroom full of first graders you never want to be unprepared! :) I have also learned to make sure ahead of time, to have enough materials for activities! You don't want to be scrounging around for materials while your students are waiting! If you want your students to be prepared they should expect the teacher to be prepared as well! :)
My second and third week of student teaching I had already started teaching my first lessons. I was really nervous because I wanted everything to go perfect. I had planned the lessons with my cooperating teacher and she was very helpful in making sure I had all the materials and gave me great advice. I wish I had photos for that week, but I was teaching them capitalization of proper nouns. The next week I began taking on as much as I could, such as, giving the spelling test, guided reading, and of course planning. Every week we meet with the other first grade teachers to help each other plan. I think these meetings are very beneficial because we help keep each other up to date with the TEKS and give each other ideas for activities.
The fourth week I had began teaching about 75%. I never realized how time consuming making lesson plans can be only because you want to be sure your plans/activities/sources fit the TEKS and are going to beneficial to the students. Luckily, my cooperating teacher has tons of sources and we also use Pinterest and Teachers Pay Teachers for fun, yet, relevant ideas. One thing I love is that my cooperating teacher gives me the freedom to take a big part in planning. I don't think my student teaching experience would be as beneficial if she did all the planning and let me just do the teaching, so I am glad she isn't so picky! I'm sure if there was an issue she would let me know! If she does notice something isn't working she steps right in, but its part of my student teaching, and its nice to have someone fill in the blanks when needed. I also had my first observation this week. I am getting my teaching certification through Region 4 (Houston), so my field supervisor who observed me was from Region 16. My first observation went great, although I was quite nervous getting into the lesson, I did my best and the teaching just came natural.
The fifth week and up to this point I have been teaching 100%. My cooperating teacher stays in the classroom most of the morning when we are doing guided reading. I really enjoy guided reading. It's really interesting to see the different levels and the strategies my cooperating teacher uses. I typically read to the three higher levels, while my cooperating teacher continues to work with the lower groups. I have also learned to do running records and its great to see as they move on to the next level, but I have also noticed its important that as they may be a fluent reader, they must also be able to retell and comprehend what they read. This week we have been really focusing on oral re-telling and writing it down.
I think I have summed up my experience with student teaching so far. I will continue to post as much as possible and share all the fun we have in first grade!! Have a great day!
Mrs. Hooper